Churchill was a unique man. Brilliant. Alcoholic. Calculating yet passionate. Convinced of his own destiny from an early age (similar to Teddy Roosevelt in that way). He never gave up, even when it looked like the Nazis were going to annihilate England. Yes, he DID save the country and possibly the world.

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Absolutely love this and I love the format as well. Churchill mix of British dry wit and common sense, as well as his mother’s American whimsy make some of his quotes some of the very best! He was a great, great man.

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For Churchill as warmonger (in 1914, not 1939) see Douglas Newton, Darkest Days: The Truth Behind Britain's Rush to War, 1914.

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From memory: To Lady Astor at table: “We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm.” He rode in the last British Empire’s cavalry charge, after using his mother’s connections to induce the war office to cut him orders. He embedded himself as a correspondent with the Malakind Field Force on a punitive expedition into Afghanistan. I’m pretty sure that his “black dog” bouts with major depression were the other side of a bipolar condition.

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I do love the “glow worm” quote.

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Jun 21Liked by Brad Skow


That’s genuinely funny .

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Jun 20Liked by Brad Skow

Another one: "An empty taxi cab pulled up at the House of Commons, and Clement Atlee got out".

Though when it comes to winding down empire, and in particular the Indian Independence Act 1947, I along with a large number of people am pro Atlee :)

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Another good one.

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