"The motive for repeal was prudence not principle"
Silas Downer to the New York Sons of Liberty, Providence, July 21, 1766
[Part of: “Let Those Flatter Who Fear”: American Independence in Verse.]
I write returning your congratulations On the Stamp Act repeal. But vigilance Is needed now as much as was before. The motive for repeal was prudence, not Principle. Note their strange resolves, that pave A way for taxes to be laid again. Petitions from the colonies were met Only with wrath, and indignation, and Contempt. And my hands shake when I reflect That some commoner, representing half A score of beggars in some English shithole Town, should talk big about securing our “Dependence on the mother country,” when He only means himself. I have see others Express their thanks, and bow and lick the dust, And ask their pardon of the woolen-drapers And the nail-makers for our “disobedience”; I turned away disgusted. To those men Chosen by people of another realm Whose only merit was to un-make an Act which they had no right to make, we owe Nothing. Their declarations, newly made, Of love and tenderness, are only meant To lull us into sleep, the better to Execute plans for total subjugation To the despotic will of Parliament. Many are here, who for a shilling would Surrender the whole freedom of this country— But for the Sons of Liberty, who have With firm and steady hands turned them aright. Much work remains to do, while the days last, And I will die before I yield my freedom.
[End of Part 1.]