“The time has come to show our strengthened hand”
The Earl of Hillsborough (Secretary of State for the Colonies) to Governor Bernard, Whitehall (London), July 30th, 1768
[Part of: “Let Those Flatter Who Fear”: American Independence in Verse.]
The King commands me tell you that our troops Immediately will be sent and landed In Boston. For too long has it resisted The laws and the authority of Parliament. The time has come to show our strengthened hand; His Majesty, now moved to interpose His great authority, will thus induce Obedience to the law. Yet you alone Must stand responsible for making peace. Remiss of duty will not be excused; And pleas of danger in official acts Will sound as hollow pretense. We do advise Removing from their office all such persons As are infected with an opposition To Parliament’s just power. While Boston be Possessed by a licentious, unrestrained Mob, Colonial government cannot Proceed. It is the King’s benevolent wish That by lenient methods Boston learn That those false doctrines and dangerous principles Inculcated with diligence and art By wicked men, will lead to Anarchy And the subversion of our Constitution, And the destruction of the British Empire.
See you at Concord and Lexington